Featuring Research Volunteer Contributions

A.A.A. Issue

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3-cent American Automobile Association single

A 3-cent commemorative stamp issued in Chicago, Illinois, on March 4, 1952, honored the 50th anniversary of the founding of the American Automobile Association (AAA). The goal in issuing the stamp was to promote the AAA's Safety and Accident Prevention Program. The young school safety patrol member featured prominently in the design certainly drew the public's attention to that AAA program. Also prominent in the stamp's design were representations of 1902 and 1952 automobiles. The AAA logo appeared in the background.

Charles R. Chickering of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing designed the AAA commemorative. Material supplied by the Public Relations Department of the AAA provided inspiration. Chickering incorporated into his design his conception of a 'modern' car, which did not portray any particular commercial automobile. Richard M. Bower engraved the vignette, and George A. Payne engraved the frame, numerals, and lettering. Six 200-subject electric-eye printing plates (#24611-24616) were used on the rotary Stickney Press. Plates were used in pairs on the press, so each rotation of the press produced two sheets of 200 stamps, each of which was divided into four fifty-subject panes for distribution to post offices. Stamps were perforated 11x10.5 and printed on unwatermarked paper.

The 3-cent AAA commemorative paid the postage for a one ounce first-class domestic letter.

Rod Juell

About U.S. Stamps